WP 4     Communication and dissemination       P5 (USAMVCJ)


The main objectives of this work package are to enable smooth communication actions both among project partners and target groups, as well as a widespread but effective dissemination of project aims, activities, results and recommendations to the different target groups (farmers, other food chain actors, public authorities, SMEs, business support organisations, higher education and research, the general public). The communication and dissemination strategy focuses on spreading knowledge of and raising awareness for sustainable farming practices.


Detailed objectives include:

  • Share results of the project with the different stakeholder groups,
  • Raise the profile of innovative organic/sustainable farming systems in Europe via awareness creation, publications, workshops and online tools,
  • Inform decision making stakeholders and policy makers,
  • Inform local stakeholders on optimizing productivity, sustainability and organisation of innovative organic/sustainable farming systems.



Spreading knowledge on sustainable food practices is key in stimulating wider change of the food system both among producers and consumers. This WP will coordinate the communication of the scientific and practical knowledge generated in the project outputs in order to (i) produce tailormade dissemination tools to facilitate knowledge exchange and (ii) ensure the efficient delivery of disseminated information to the stakeholders through print and digital channels and face-to-face exchange at own or external events.

Dissemination channels include:

  • Project website,
  • Social media channels,
  • Oral and poster presentations, information stands at conferences, workshops and events with farmers and stakeholders,
  • Recommendations from harmonised project outputs for different stakeholders in the form of fact sheets and policy briefs,
  • Dissemination and communication material/actions will be provided/done in national languages and where relevant in English.

This WP will be led by USAMVCJ.

Task     4.1       Communication and dissemination strategy

Each project partner will create a network of stakeholders in different socio-economic and environmental conditions across Europe (in collaboration with 1.1). To achieve this, FOODLEVERS will use bottom-up participatory engagement, including citizen dialogue and workshops, that will link knowledge in a system-oriented manner to identify solutions for transformational change. We formulate the following objectives for our communication and dissemination strategy: Increase & spread knowledge: FOODLEVERS aims to promote sustainable farming and food chains. We therefore re-think knowledge creation and sharing and stimulate and facilitate the knowledge flow among different actors. Raise awareness and stimulate change: To influence attitude, communication tools will promote FOODLEVERS methods and findings. Spreading knowledge amongst farmers about innovative and sustainable organic food production practices and the opportunities they entail, can shift farmers’ attitude to the uptake of those practices and increase their overall sustainability. This can trigger change in behaviours and reinforce cooperation among actors and social relationships. Promoting findings on a policy level helps challenge the current food regime’s institutions and thus enables restructuring on a wider political and societal scale.

Re-connect actors of food production and consumption: The communication tools designed in FOODLEVERS facilitate the engagement of food producers with consumers and vice versa.

Task     4.2       Promotional material

The communication work package lead will develop common project design and logo

•          Drafting of various print materials for the project including e.g., a brochure about the project aims and activities, a booklet on results and recommendations.

o          1st year: brochure

o          2nd year: leaflet

o          3rd year: booklet (towards the end of the project)

•          Project partners can then translate the materials and will have to print them on their own budgets.

•          All partners will share information about the project in their own magazines and newsletters as well as local newspapers, which will be finally approved by the lead of the communication work package lead.

•          Print materials will be used for dissemination at events for all target groups to raise awareness for the project’s aims and outcomes and to stimulate participation in the online tools or future events.

Task     4.3       Events

The visibility at public events both organised by the task lead and external are key for directly communicating the project aims, activities and results to the target audiences. Project partners will thus take part in agricultural events and scientific conferences and organise own project events in order to disseminate knowledge and findings and enable a reconnection of the different actors of the food system.

Farmers, consumers, public authorities and policy makers, SMEs, business support organisations, education and research are thus all targeted with specific messages and following key messages. We identify the leverage potential of innovative food systems to further develop and scale up existing innovative organic and sustainable food systems.

We provide tools to close the gap between production, processing and consumption in the food chain.

We challenge the current food regime’s institutions and thus stimulate change towards a sustainable system.

We facilitate the creation and distribution of knowledge on sustainable and organic food production and consumption amongst all target audiences.

Task     4.4        Digital activities

Digital activities include the integration of project findings in the project’s website to disseminate project outcomes and results, social media activities on Facebook and Twitter and publications in online magazines, journals or newspapers to the general public.

Detailed aims for each channel are outlined in the Communication and Dissemination plan and will be developed further in task 4.1.

Website will be available in partner languages.

Milestone       4.1       Corporate design established

The WP lead will contract the designing of a corporate design. All partners will decide on the final design.

Milestone       4.2       Own events and workshops

Workshops to involve stakeholders from the organic/sustainable sectors will take place throughout the project.

We will involve stakeholders in the scientific process and provide information, create new knowledge and connect target groups.

Milestone       4.3       Set-up of digital media tools

Homepage and logo development contracted by WP lead

Twitter account established

Facebook account established

Deliverable     4.1       Finalised communication strategy

This strategy includes details on communication actions, methods on stakeholder engagement and exploitation based on the communication and dissemination plan. Input from all partners will be compiled by the task lead.

Deliverable     4.2       Design of promotional material

Brochures introducing the project, its objectives and activities will be finalised in the first year in order to raise awareness for the project and motivate people to take part in its activities (e.g. workshops, events).

Leaflets with results of the different project activities will be prepared throughout the project in order to spread information and knowledge.

Deliverable   4.3     Representation at events

Throughout its whole duration, the project will be presented through information stands, working sessions or presentations at least 3 events per year. This can also be achieved in combination with meetings or dissemination of other projects.

Deliverable     4.4       Integration of results on website

All project results and their methodologies will be accessible on the project webpage.